Purchases or leases from any Cerritos Auto Square dealership and purchases from Los Cerritos Center, Lakewood Center and Stonewood Center Malls all count! Purchases from 5/1/21-8/31/21 earn DOUBLE points! So make sure you turn those receipts in!
***Earn 25,000 points when you purchase or lease a new or pre-owned car at Cerritos Auto Square***
Double Points ALL Summer! May 1 to August 31, 2021 Let’s win up to $10,000 for our school!
- Submit online:
- Drop off AT school: in our drive-thru mailbox or in the office
- Email:
- Text: 562-354-3001 Thank you so much for your support and participation!
- #TogetherWeAreLINDSTROMStrong
- #LindstromPTA
- #LindyLions
- #PTA4Kids
- #thesquarecares
- #cerritosautosquare
- #ShoplosCerritos
- #ShopLakewoodCenter
- #ShopStonewoodcenter
- #schoolcents
- #schoolcents
- #thesquarecares
- #shoploscerritos
- #ShopLakewoodCenter
- #shopstonewoodcenter